In 2018, I left behind my cushy hedge fund job and New York City lifestyle to join the Peace Corps. I moved to Nicaragua, brushed up on my Spanish, ate lots of gallo pinto, taught some entrepreneurship classes to high schoolers en español, formed lasting friendships with my amazing cohort, and fell in love with my wonderful host family. Then, two months after I had arrived, it all ended abruptly as the Sandinista government proved itself capable of ruthlessly killing its own citizens as they filled the streets in peaceful protest. Peace Corps evacuated all the volunteers and I headed back to my hometown of St. Louis, MO to figure what to do with myself. Ultimately, I decided to give Peace Corps another chance (more on that decision here). So that’s the short version of how I got to where I am now – serving as a Community Economic Development volunteer in a charming pueblo on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.